In the community

Maison Horizon pour Elle is involved and is positioned in the community to inform and raise awareness about domestic violence.

Information-Horizon pour elle

Through our involvement in the community, Maison Horizon pour Elle offers information, publicizes its mission, demystifies domestic violence and combats violence against women.

Member of the Regional and Local committee to counter violence against women.

Member of the Coalition of Women’s Groups of Haute-Yamaska ​​and Brome-Missisquoi.

Member of the Brome-Missisquoi Community Development Corporation.

Member of the Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale.

Member of RLS Santé mentale la Pommeraie.

Member of the Table toxicomanie Brome-Missisquoi.

Member of the Table Jeunesse MRC de Brome-Missisquoi.

We raise the awareness of young people in local schools and our partners about the problem of domestic violence.

Presentations to partners

-Documentary : Un jour il pourrait me tuer

La communication non-violente

Chicane de couple et violence conjugale

Program Presentations VIRAJ

-At Massey-Vanier High School in Cowansville, high school students 2 and 3

At Jean-Jacques Bertrand High School in Farnham, high school students 2 and 3

Presentations from the program Décoiffons la violence

At the Brome-Missisquoi Campus Adult School

12-day campaign against violence against women.

Information-Horizon pour elle

Through our involvement in the community, Maison Horizon pour Elle offers information, publicizes its mission, demystifies domestic violence and fight against violence against women.

Member of the Table de concertation régionale et locale pour contrer la violence faite aux femmes.

Member of the Coalition des groupes de femmes de la Haute-Yamaska et Brome-Missisquoi.

Member of the Corporation de développement des communautés de Brome-Missisquoi.

Member of the Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale.

Member of CLSC Santé mentale la Pommeraie.

Member of the Table toxicomanie Brome-Missisquoi.

Member of the Table Jeunesse MRC de Brome-Missisquoi.

Sensibilisation-Horizon pour elle

We raise the awareness of young people in local schools and our partners about the problem of domestic violence.

Presentations to partners

-Documentary : Un jour il pourrait me tuer

-Documentary : La communication non-violente

-Documentary : Chicane de couple et violence conjugale

Program Presentations VIRAJ

-At Massey-Vanier High School in Cowansville, high school students 2 and 3

At Jean-Jacques Bertrand High School in Farnham, high school students 2 and 3

Presentations from the program Décoiffons la violence

At the Brome-Missisquoi Campus Adult School

12-day campaign against violence against women